{ "2fa.error": "Wrong two factor authentication code", "2fa.toManyTries": "To many tries. Please try to login again. ", "Account": "Account", "Aerospace and Defense": "Aerospace and Defense", "Architecture": "Architecture", "Art and animation": "Art and animation", "Automotive": "Automotive", "Billing": "Billing", "Dashboard": "Dashboard", "Dental": "Dental", "Devices": "Devices", "Education": "Education", "Engineering": "Engineering", "Entertainment": "Entertainment", "Hobbyists": "Hobbyists", "Industrial design": "Industrial design", "Jewelry": "Jewelry", "Logout": "Logout", "Manufacturing": "Manufacturing", "Medical": "Medical", "Organization": "Organization", "Other": "Other", "Register device": "Register device", "Register new device": "Register new device", "Your Devices": "Your Devices", "base.add_more": "Add more", "base.address_1": "Address", "base.address_2": "Address (line 2)", "base.alle_rights_reserved": "All rights reserved.", "base.already": "Already have an account?", "base.app_name": "Zortrax ID", "base.application_error": "An error occurred. Try again later or contact administrator.", "base.backTo": "Back to", "base.cancel": "Cancel", "base.city": "City", "base.company_name": "Company name", "base.confirm": "Confirm", "base.country": "Country/Region", "base.countryPhonePrefix": "Country prefix", "base.created_at": "Created at", "base.date": "Date", "base.description": "Description", "base.dont_account": "Don't have an account?", "base.downgrade": "Downgrade", "base.edit": "Edit", "base.edu_research": "Education / research", "base.email_address": "E-mail address", "base.end_date": "End date", "base.end_use": "Parts and end-use products", "base.firstname": "First name", "base.from": "From", "base.getid": "Get a Zortrax ID", "base.inplants": "Medical implants", "base.item": "Item", "base.jigs": "Jigs, fixtures, guides, etc.", "base.lastname": "Last name", "base.learn_more": "Learn more", "base.log_in": "Log in", "base.login": "Login", "base.login_to": "Log in to Zortrax ID", "base.med_models": "Medical models (e.g. for planning)", "base.model": "Model", "base.models": "Presentation models", "base.molds": "Patterns and molds", "base.month": "month", "base.newsletter_sign-our": "I agree to have my personal data processed by Zortrax S.A and its Partners and to be contacted by them for marketing purposes.", "base.no_limit": "No limit", "base.optional": "optional", "base.password": "Password", "base.password_confirm": "Confirm password", "base.postal_code": "Postal code", "base.price": "Price", "base.proptypes": "Functional prototypes", "base.register": "Register", "base.register_device": "Register", "base.remove": "Remove", "base.reset": "Reset", "base.save": "Save", "base.service": "Service", "base.sometnig_wrong": "Something went wrong. Please, try again later.", "base.soon": "Soon", "base.start_date": "Start date", "base.sure": "Are you sure?", "base.tax_id": "Tax ID", "base.terms": "I have read and agree to Zortrax S.A.'s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.", "base.thankyou": "Thank you!", "base.update": "Update", "base.upgrade": "Upgrade", "base.view_details": "View details", "base.warning": "Warning", "base.week": "week", "base.weeks": "weeks", "browse": "Browse", "common.cancel": "Cancel", "confirm_account": "Confirm your account.", "currentSubscription.bundle.billingPeriod": "Billing period ", "dashboard.stepper.confirmAccount": "To complete the registration, please follow the instructions in the e-mail we have sent to the address you provided.", "dashboard.stepper.nothing_yet": "There is nothing in here!", "dashboard.stepper.registerFirstDevice": "Register your first device", "dashboard.stepper.step1": "Step 1
Confirm your e-mail", "dashboard.stepper.step2": "Step 2
Register your first device", "dashboard.stepper.step3": "Step 3
Choose your subscription", "drag-and-drop-image": "Drag & drop a image", "forgot.description": "If you forgot your Zortrax ID password, please enter your e-mail address.", "forgot.header": "Reset password", "forgot.instructions": "To complete your Zortrax ID password reset, follow the instructions in the e-mail we have just sent you.", "forgot.resrotr": "Restore password", "forgot.restore": "Restore password", "inCloud": "Zortrax inCloud", "inputs.choose_country": "Choose country/region", "inputs.choose_industry": "Choose industry", "inputs.choose_language": "Choose language", "inputs.company": "Company", "inputs.company_name": "Company name", "inputs.contact_person_firstname": "Contact person's first name", "inputs.contact_person_lastname": "Contact person's last name", "inputs.country": "Country/Region", "inputs.date_purchase": "Date of purchase", "inputs.firstname": "First name", "inputs.individual": "Individual", "inputs.industry": "Industry", "inputs.language": "Language", "inputs.lastname": "Last name", "inputs.old_password": "Old password", "inputs.other_industry": "Other industry", "inputs.phone": "Phone number", "inputs.provide_other_industry": "Provide industry", "inputs.purchase_date_choose": "Choose the date of purchase", "invalid_credentials": "Invalid credentials", "invitations.accepted": "Invitation accepted", "invitations.active.from": "From", "invitations.active.header": "Received invitations", "invitations.belong_to": "Organizations you belong to", "invitations.cancel": "Cancel invitation", "invitations.canceled": "Invitation canceled", "invitations.confirm.complete": "Invitation confirmed.", "invitations.confirm.error": "Confirmation failed.", "invitations.confirm.error_body": "Error during invitation confirmation.
\nThe invitation may have already been accepted or deleted.
Check your profile to see whether you're already a member of this team or organization.
You can also contact the person or company that sent an invitation for more information.\n", "invitations.confirm.success_body": "Your Zortrax ID team invitation has been confirmed. ", "invitations.error.existing": "You already have an existing invitation for this e-mail address.", "invitations.error.noClinicalDevice": "You don't have any clinical devices.", "invitations.error.isInTeam": "User with this e-mail address has already been added to your organization.", "invitations.error.noBelongTo": "You don't belong to any organization", "invitations.error.no_belong": "Currently, you don't belong to any organization.", "invitations.error.noactive": "You don't have any Zortrax Inkspire 2 Clinical.", "invitations.error.nocurrent": "There are no active invitations.", "invitations.error.noteam": "No members in the team.", "invitations.error.numberOfMembersExceeded": "Number of your organization members exceeded", "invitations.error.self": "You cannot invite yourself.", "invitations.make_invitation": "Invite someone to your organization.", "invitations.organizations.header": "Organizations you belong to", "invitations.organizations.leave": "Leave organization", "invitations.organizations.leaved": "You left the organization", "invitations.organizations.member": "Member", "invitations.organizations.owner": "Organization owner", "invitations.organizations.remove_member": "Remove member", "invitations.pending.for": "Invitation for", "invitations.pending.header": "Sent invitations", "invitations.reject": "Reject", "invitations.rejected": "Invitation rejected", "invitations.send_invitation": "Send invitation", "invitations.success.send": "Invitation sent.", "invitations.team.header": "Your organization", "invitations.team.member_removed": "Member successfully removed.", "invitations.team.organization": "Organization", "login.description": "With Zortrax ID, you can access all Zortrax services with just one login and password.", "login.error": "It seems that either the login or password you have provided is incorrect. Please try again, or set up a new Zortrax ID, if you don't have one.", "login.forgot": "Forgot password?", "login.inactive_error": "Your account has not been confirmed. Check your email and follow the instructions we sent you.", "login.twoFactorDescription": "Enter verification code generated using the chosen method.", "mail.address": " Lubelska 34, 10-409 Olsztyn, Poland", "mail.allrights": "All rights reserved", "mail.company": "Zortrax S.A.", "mail.footer1": "Zortrax S.A. entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Warsaw, XIV Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000499608 with a share capital of PLN 11 542 250 paid fully, and with the NIP number 5242756595 and the REGON number 146496404.", "mail.footer2": "The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that disclosure, copying, dissemination or any use of this message and its attachments is prohibited. If this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments from your system.", "mail.footer3": "Zortrax S.A. with headquarters on Lubelska 34, 10-409 Olsztyn, Poland is the controller of your personal data gethered by exchanging correspondence. Your personal data will be processed to the extent necessary for exchanging correspondence and for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party (Art. 6 GDPR, 1 point f). Additional information about processing your personal data is available in our Privacy Policy.", "mail.greetings": "Hello!", "mail.regards": "Regards", "mail.invitation.body": "You have a new Invitation for Zortrax ID team.
Invitation from: ", "mail.invitation.incloud.body": "You have a new invitation for Zortrax inCloud team.
Invitation from: ", "mail.invitation.clinical.body": "You have a new invitation for Zortrax Clinical Suite team.
Invitation from: ", "mail.invitation.button": "Accept invitation", "mail.invitation.link": "In case the website doesn't open immediately, just copy the link and paste it into your internet browser.", "mail.invitation.subject": "You’ve been invited to a Zortrax ID organization.", "mail.invitation.incloud.subject": "You’ve been invited to a Zortrax inCloud organization.", "mail.invitation.clinical.subject": "You’ve been invited to a Zortrax Clinical Suite organization.", "mail.phone": "+48 89 672 40 01", "mail.privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "mail.registration.body": "We're excited to have you onboard.
\nPlease verify your e-mail address to activate your account.
", "mail.registration.confirm": "Activate your account", "mail.registration.link": "If the button doesn't work, please copy the following link and paste it in your browser:", "mail.registration.subject": "Activate your account", "mail.registration.topic": "Confirm your registration", "mail.reset_password.body": "You requested a link to change your password. You can do this by clicking on the link below.", "mail.reset_password.button": "Reset your password", "mail.reset_password.disclaimer": "If you didn't request this password reset, it's safe to ignore it.
\nYour password can be changed only if you open the link above and create a new password.
\nIf the button doesn't work, copy the link and paste it into your internet browser.", "mail.reset_password.link": "In case the website doesn't open immediately, just copy the link and paste it into your internet browser.", "mail.reset_password.subject": "Zortrax ID password change", "mail.reset_password.topic": "Reset your password", "main_menu.logout": "Log out", "main_menu.profile": "Profile", "multi-stream.multi-stream": "Multistream", "notifications.cancel-action": "Cancel action", "notifications.change-browser-settings": "Push notifications are blocked, check your browser settings.", "notifications.clear-all": "Clear all", "notifications.delete-subscription": "Delete subscription", "notifications.edit-success": "Successful edition", "notifications.empty-notifications": "No notifications", "notifications.expired": "Expired", "notifications.internal-error": "Internal error", "notifications.manage": "Manage", "notifications.no-subscribing-devices": "No subscribed devices", "notifications.notifications": "Notifications", "notifications.push-not-supported": "Push notifications are not supported by this device.", "notifications.push-subscribe": "Subscribe push notifications", "notifications.push-unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe push notifications", "notifications.save": "Save changes", "notifications.subscribed-devices": "Subscribed devices", "notifications.turn-on": "Turn on notifications on this device", "password.error.lowercase": "The password has to contain at least one lower case letter.", "password.error.number": "The password has to contain at least one number.", "password.error.uppercase": "The password has to contain at least one capitalized letter.", "password.invalid_old": "Invalid old password", "password.new_password": "New password", "password.same": "Passwords must be the same.", "password.same_old": "The new password cannot be the same as the old one.", "password.save": "New password successfully saved.", "payment.success": "Your payment has been received.", "payment.system.error": "Payment system error. Please try again later.", "payments.addCard": "Add a credit card", "payments.billing_address": "Billing address", "payments.billing_saved": "Billing data successfully saved.", "payments.card_removed": "Card successfully removed", "payments.editBilling": "Edit billing", "payments.errorCard": "Currently, the card cannot be added.", "payments.errorHistory": "Payment history could not be loaded", "payments.id": "ID", "payments.invoices": "Invoices", "payments.no_history": "You haven't made any payments yet.", "payments.payment": "Payment", "payments.payment_method": "Payment method", "payments.paymet_method": "Payment method", "payments.shipping_saved": "Shipping address saved.", "payments.subtotal": "Subtotal", "payments.tax_details": "Tax details", "payments.total": "Total", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy", "profile.avatar": "Avatar", "profile.avatarRemoved": "Avatar removed", "profile.avatarResolution": "Minimum resolution of uploaded image is 600x600px", "profile.avatarSaved": "Avatar saved.", "profile.billing.name": "Billing", "profile.billing.vat_not_valid": "Invalid tax ID for the selected country.", "profile.billing.vat_not_valid_server_error": "EU VAT verification service error. Please try again in a minute", "profile.changeavatar": "Change avatar", "profile.changeavatar (2)": "Change avatar", "profile.data": "Data", "profile.language": "Language", "profile.languageSaved": "Language saved.", "profile.removeavatar": "Remove avatar", "profile.save": "Profile successfully saved.", "profile.security": "Security", "profile.shipping.name": "Shipping address", "profile.twoFactorAuth.code": "Code", "profile.twoFactorAuth.codeFromSMS": "Code from SMS", "profile.twoFactorAuth.codeToConfirm": "To confirm, enter {{service}} code", "profile.twoFactorAuth.confirmed": "Two factor authentication confirmed", "profile.twoFactorAuth.disable": "disable", "profile.twoFactorAuth.enable": "enable", "profile.twoFactorAuth.error.alreadyEnabled": "Two factor authentication already enabled.", "profile.twoFactorAuth.error.wrongCode": "Wrong two factor authentication code", "profile.twoFactorAuth.failSafe": "Fail safe ", "profile.twoFactorAuth.failSafeDescription": "Enter your phone number. If you loose access to your account , we will contact this number to restore access to your Zortrax ID account.", "profile.twoFactorAuth.getSmsConfirmationCode": "Send SMS confirmation code", "profile.twoFactorAuth.googleAuthDescription": "Download and install the\nGoogle Authenticator app on\nyour phone. Next, select “Set\nup Account” and use the\ncamera in your phone to scan\nthe QR code above. The app\nwill generate your verification\ncode. ", "profile.twoFactorAuth.googleBetter": "We recommend that you enable two-factor authentication with the use of Google Authenticator app. It generates a one-time password which you must provide in addition to your regular login data.", "profile.twoFactorAuth.method": "Method", "profile.twoFactorAuth.resendSMS": "Resend SMS", "profile.twoFactorAuth.safe_device": "This is a trusted device. Don't ask me again", "profile.twoFactorAuth.sendSMSConfirm": "Send SMS", "profile.twoFactorAuth.submit": "Submit code", "profile.twoFactorAuth.twofactor": "Two Factor Auth", "register.already_activated": "Your account has already been activated.", "register.already_confirmed": "Account already confirmed.", "register.complete": "Registration complete.", "register.confirm_account_long": "Zortrax ID functionalities are limited because you have not confirmed your e-mail address yet. To do this, click on the link we sent to your e-mail.", "register.confirm_success": "Your Zortrax ID account is active now and you can log in.", "register.confirm_success_is_logged": "Your Zortrax ID account is active.", "register.description": "Set up a Zortrax ID to access all Zortrax services and manage your registered devices with one login and password.", "register.error": "Registration error.", "register.invalid_email": "Provided email is invalid", "register.invalid_input": "Invalid input data.", "register.invalid_password": "Invalid password. Password must be at least 12 characters long, and contain a number.", "register.not_match": "Passwords do not match.", "register.password_mismatch": "The passwords specified must be identical", "register.register": "Register", "register.resendMail": "The registration e-mail has been sent.", "register.resend_confirmation_email": "Resend confirmation e-mail", "register.required": "Field is required.", "register.terms_required": "Terms not selected", "register.thank_you": "Setting up your Zortrax ID account is almost done. To complete the registration, please follow the instructions in the e-mail we have sent to the address you provided.", "register.user_exists": "The e-mail address you have entered is already registered!", "registered_devices.details.cloud_visible": "Visible in Zortrax inCloud", "registered_devices.details.header": "Registered device information", "registered_devices.details.registered.private": "Registered to private person", "registered_devices.details.registered_company": "Registered to the company", "registered_devices.details.unregistered": "Device successfully unregistered.", "registered_devices.form.another_device": "Do you want to register another device?", "registered_devices.form.choose_application": "Choose an application", "registered_devices.form.complete_again": "Complete the form again.", "registered_devices.form.description": "Registration of your Zortrax device is necessary to download authorized Zortrax firmware updates.", "registered_devices.form.info_line1": "To complete the registration, enter the PIN code given below on the device's touchscreen.", "registered_devices.form.register": "Register Zortrax device", "registered_devices.form.select_model": "Select model", "registered_devices.form.serial": "Serial number of the device", "registered_devices.form.serial_provide": "Provide serial number", "registered_devices.form.title": "Device Registration Form | Zortrax", "registered_devices.form.unregister_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the registered device from ZortraxID?
\nThe device will be removed from the system, but you must unregister the device directly in its menu.", "registered_devices.form.unregister_device": "Unregister the device", "registered_devices.form.what_using": "What do you use 3D printing for?", "registered_devices.form.with_serial": "with a serial number", "registered_devices.lp.apoller_description": "Registration of industrial equipment is a common practice, and it is necessary to ensure safe and seamless performance. Implementing upcoming features and firmware updates also requires registering the device. Additionally, registration enables us to effectively address all industry-specific issues that may arise during the product's life cycle, and as a result, expand Zortrax products' capabilities in the future. Having Apoller devices registered will let us verify any possible issues sooner, which will add to the overall safety of their operation.", "registered_devices.lp.choose_device": "Choose your Zortrax device", "registered_devices.lp.coming_soon": "Registration of these devices is currently unavailable.", "registered_devices.lp.description": "Registration of your Zortrax device enables you to use authorized Zortrax firmware to achieve seamless and safe performance.", "registered_devices.lp.endureal_description": "Registration of industrial equipment is a common practice, and it is necessary to ensure safe and seamless performance. Applying upcoming features and firmware updates also requires registering the device. Additionally, registration enables us to effectively address all industry-specific issues that may arise during the product's life cycle, and as a result, expand Zortrax products' capabilities in the future.", "registered_devices.lp.header": "Register Zortrax device", "registered_devices.lp.inkspire_description": "Registration of your 3D printer is necessary for applying upcoming features and firmware updates. Moreover, the process of registering desktop machines can help us better understand your needs, as well as analyze various business scenarios in which Zortrax machines operate. With this knowledge, we can tailor manuals and maintenance guides on our Support Center, and meet your needs, as a Zortrax 3D printers user.", "registered_devices.lp.inkspire2_description": "Registration of your 3D printer is necessary for applying upcoming features and firmware updates. Moreover, the process of registering desktop machines can help us better understand your needs, as well as analyze various business scenarios in which Zortrax machines operate. With this knowledge, we can tailor manuals and maintenance guides on our Support Center, and meet your needs, as a Zortrax 3D printers user.", "registered_devices.lp.line1": "Registration of your Zortrax device is necessary to download authorized Zortrax firmware updates.", "registered_devices.lp.line2": "Authorized and up to date firmware guarantees the best possible performance of your devices.
\nThe registration process is simple and takes only a coupe of minutes.", "registered_devices.lp.m200plus_description": "Registration of your 3D printer is necessary for applying upcoming features and firmware updates. Moreover, the process of registering desktop machines can help us better understand your needs, as well as analyze various business scenarios in which Zortrax machines operate. With this knowledge, we can tailor manuals and maintenance guides on our Support Center, and meet your needs, as a Zortrax 3D printers user.", "registered_devices.lp.m300dual_description": "Registration of your 3D printer is necessary for applying upcoming features and firmware updates. Moreover, the process of registering desktop machines can help us better understand your needs, as well as analyze various business scenarios in which Zortrax machines operate. With this knowledge, we can tailor manuals and maintenance guides on our Support Center, and meet your needs, as a Zortrax 3D printers user.", "registered_devices.lp.m300plus_description": "Registration of your 3D printer is necessary for applying upcoming features and firmware updates. Moreover, the process of registering desktop machines can help us better understand your needs, as well as analyze various business scenarios in which Zortrax machines operate. With this knowledge, we can tailor manuals and maintenance guides on our Support Center, and meet your needs, as a Zortrax 3D printers user.", "registered_devices.lp.step1": "Step 1
Choose your device's model", "registered_devices.lp.step2": "Step 2
Fill in the registration form", "registered_devices.lp.step3": "Step 3
Type in the registration
code on the device's touchscreen", "registered_devices.lp.title": "Device Registration Form | Zortrax", "registered_devices.register_device": "Register device", "registered_devices.your_devices": "Your Registered Devices", "reset.change_password": "Change password", "reset.description": "Please type in the new password below. Remember, that it has to be at least 12 characters long.", "reset.header": "Reset password", "reset.resetMailSenderror": "If email is registered, you will get a reset link.", "reset.success": "Your password has been changed. You can now log in.", "sms.twoFactorAuth.confirmationSMSSend": "We sent to You message with confirmation code.", "sms.twoFactorAuth.enable": "You’ve just enabled two-step authentication on your Zortrax ID account. Confirm with the code:", "sms.twoFactorAuth.falisafeEnable": "You’ve just added a recovery phone number for your Zortrax ID account. Confirm with the code:", "sms.twoFactorAuth.login": "You’re trying to log into your Zortrax ID account. Enter this code in the login form:", "stats-and-resources.add-more-devices": "Add more devices", "stats-and-resources.add-more-transfer": "Add more transfer", "stats-and-resources.add-more-users": "Add more users", "stats-and-resources.add-on": "Add-on", "stats-and-resources.add-on-price": "Add-on price: +{{price}} {{currency}}/month", "stats-and-resources.devices-in-your-plan": "The number of devices slots included in your plan", "stats-and-resources.devices-slots-free": "Free devices slots", "stats-and-resources.devices-slots-includes-your-plan": "The number of devices slots included in your plan", "stats-and-resources.exhausted-free-user-resources": "You have exhausted free resources available in your plan, remove or buy additional users.", "stats-and-resources.final-bill-may-be-changed": "The final bill may be converted to your local currency and include additional taxes depending on your country of residence.", "stats-and-resources.included-in-your-plan": "Included in your plan", "stats-and-resources.manage-subscriptions": "Manage subscriptions", "stats-and-resources.no-devices-slots-free": "All devices slots are taken!", "stats-and-resources.no-transfer-available": "No transfer available", "stats-and-resources.no-users-slots-free": "All users slots are taken!", "stats-and-resources.number-printer": "Number of your 3D printers", "stats-and-resources.pay-now": "Pay now", "stats-and-resources.plan-will-renew-on": "Your plan will renew on ", "stats-and-resources.possible-users-subscription": "Possible users in your subscription", "stats-and-resources.remove-devices": "Remove devices", "stats-and-resources.remove-or-buy-more-slots": "Remove or buy more slots.", "stats-and-resources.remove-organizationMembers": "Remove organization members", "stats-and-resources.remove-transfer": "Remove transfer", "stats-and-resources.remove-users": "Remove users", "stats-and-resources.removed_adon_price": "Removed add-on price: -{{price}} {{currency}}/month", "stats-and-resources.renew-every-month": "Your transfer will be renewed every month.", "stats-and-resources.see-your-stats": "See your account stats and available resources.", "stats-and-resources.total": "total", "stats-and-resources.total-limit": "Total limit", "stats-and-resources.transfer": "Transfer", "stats-and-resources.transfer-in-your-plan": "Amount of transfer included in your plan", "stats-and-resources.used": "used", "stats-and-resources.whats-next": "What's next", "stats-and-resources.whats-next-content": "Today, you’ll be charged with a prorated amount for the days remaining in this billing cycle. Payments lower than 1 €/$ are rounded up to the full amount. Starting from the next billing cycle, your account will be charged with the full cost of the subscription.", "stats-and-resources.whats-next-remove": "You are about to change the add-on feature you have previously purchased. Select the number or amount by which you want to reduce the feature and click Confirm. Your account will not be charged for the add-on starting from the next billing cycle.", "stats-and-resources.you-can-add-more-devices": "You can add {{numberDevices}} more devices.", "stats-and-resources.you-must-purchase-transfer": "You must purchase the transfer to start printing.", "subscription.active": "Active subscriptions", "subscription.add-on": "Add-on", "subscription.add_more.add-on": "Add-on", "subscription.add_more.add-on-price": "Add-on price: +{{price}} {{currency}}", "subscription.add_more.devices": "Add more devices", "subscription.add_more.devices-in-your-plan": "Number of devices' slots included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.devices-slots-free": "Free devices slots", "subscription.add_more.devices-slots-includes-your-plan": "Number of devices' slots included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.exhausted-free-user-resources": "You have exhausted free resources included in your plan, remove or buy additional users.", "subscription.add_more.final-bill-may-be-changed": "The final bill may be converted to your local currency and include additional taxes depending on your country of residence.", "subscription.add_more.included-in-your-plan": "Included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.manage-subscriptions": "Manage subscriptions", "subscription.add_more.no-devices-slots-free": "All devices slots are taken!", "subscription.add_more.no-transfer-available": "No transfer available!", "subscription.add_more.no-users-slots-free": "All users slots are taken!", "subscription.add_more.number-printer": "Number of your 3D printers", "subscription.add_more.organization-slots-includes-your-plan": "Organization members included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.organizationMembers": "Add more organization members", "subscription.add_more.pay-now": "Pay now", "subscription.add_more.plan-will-renew-on": "Your plan will renew on ", "subscription.add_more.possible-users-subscription": "Possible users in your subscription", "subscription.add_more.remove-or-buy-more-slots": "Remove or buy more slots.", "subscription.add_more.renew-every-month": "Renew every month", "subscription.add_more.see-your-stats": "See your account stats and available resources.", "subscription.add_more.total": "total", "subscription.add_more.total-limit": "Total limit", "subscription.add_more.transfer": "Add more transfer", "subscription.add_more.transfer-in-your-plan": "Amount of transfer included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.transfer-slots-includes-your-plan": "Transfer included in your plan", "subscription.add_more.transfer_text": "Transfer", "subscription.add_more.used": "used", "subscription.add_more.whats-next": "What's next", "subscription.add_more.whats-next-content": "Today, you’ll be charged with a prorated amount for the days remaining in this billing cycle. Payments lower than 1 €/$ are rounded up to the full amount. Starting from the next billing cycle, your account will be charged with the full cost of the subscription.", "subscription.add_more.you-can-add-more-devices": "You can add {{numberDevices}} more devices.", "subscription.add_more.you-must-purchase-transfer": "You must purchase transfer to start printing.", "subscription.adding_and_managing": "Adding and managing devices", "subscription.billed_annual": "Billed annually", "subscription.billed_monthly": "Billed monthly", "subscription.change.annual_to_annual": "You are about to change your current subscription plan to a higher one billed annually. Your account will be automatically charged with the difference in prices between the two plans. The billing cycle date does not change.", "subscription.change.extra-success": "Number of add-ons successfully changed.", "subscription.change.monthly_to_annual": "You are about to change your current subscription plan to a higher one billed monthly. The cost of the new plan will be automatically reduced by the amount left in the previous plan, and it will be charged to your account in advance. Your new billing cycle will start on the day you change your plan.", "subscription.change.monthly_to_monthly": "You are about to change your current subscription plan to a higher one billed monthly. The cost of the new plan will be automatically reduced by the amount left in the previous plan, and it will be charged to your account in advance. Your new billing cycle will start on the day you change your plan.", "subscription.change.setNewAfterEnd": "You are about to change your current subscription plan to a higher one. You new billing cycle will start on the day after end of your current plan. On that day you will be charged with the new amount resulting from the change of the subscription plan.", "subscription.change.success": "Subscription successfully changed.", "subscription.change.title": "Change subscription", "subscription.change_plan": "Change plan", "subscription.change_subscription.cancel.body": "Are you sure you want to change your subscription to Free? The change will be applied from the next billing period.", "subscription.change_subscription.cancel.title": "Cancel subscription", "subscription.change_subscription.current": "Current subscription", "subscription.change_subscription.impossible.desc": "The change can be made at the earliest 7 days before the end of the billing cycle. Your next billing cycle begins on {{date}}.", "subscription.change_subscription.impossible.extra-success": "Number of add-ons successfully changed.", "subscription.change_subscription.impossible.title": "Sorry, the subscription cannot be changed.", "subscription.change_subscription.success": "Subscription successfully changed. ", "subscription.commands": "Send commands from the server to the printer.", "subscription.current_plan": "Current plan", "subscription.devices.add": "Add more devices", "subscription.devices.additional": "Additional devices", "subscription.devices.description": "Number of your 3D printers", "subscription.devices.details": "View device details", "subscription.devices.name": "Devices", "subscription.devices.per_device": "per device", "subscription.devices.transactionDescription": "Zortrax InCloud add-on:", "subscription.devices.transactionTitle": "Additional devices", "subscription.direct_bulk": "Direct bulk print\t", "subscription.duration": "Duration date", "subscription.extraRemoveError": "Zortrax inCloud error. Please try again later", "subscription.freeMonth": "1 month free", "subscription.group_managment": "Group management\t", "subscription.included": "Included in your plan", "subscription.info": "The final bill may be converted to your local currency and include additional taxes depending on your country of residence.", "subscription.list.plans": "Plans & pricing", "subscription.manage-subscriptions": "Manage subscriptions", "subscription.manage_pendrive": "Managing files located on a pendrive\t", "subscription.next_billing": "Next billing date", "subscription.next_bundle": "Next subscription", "subscription.no_pendrive": "Print without pendrive", "subscription.no_subscriptions": "You currently don't have an active subscription.", "subscription.organizationMembers.add": "Add more users", "subscription.organizationMembers.description": "Possible number of users", "subscription.organizationMembers.name": "Users", "subscription.organizationMembers.organizations": "Organizations", "subscription.organizationMembers.transactionDescription": "Zortrax InCloud Extra:", "subscription.organizationMembers.transactionTitle": "Additional organization members", "subscription.organizationMembers.users": "Users in organization", "subscription.plans": "Plans & pricing", "subscription.print_history": "Print history", "subscription.remove-organizationMembers": "Remove organization members", "subscription.see-your-account-stats-and-available-resources": "See your account stats and available resources", "subscription.support.community": "Community", "subscription.support.standard": "Standard", "subscription.teams.name": "Teams", "subscription.transfer.add": "Add more transfer", "subscription.transfer.additional": "Additional transfer", "subscription.transfer.description": "Your plan will renew on", "subscription.transfer.name": "Transfer", "subscription.transfer.per": "per GB", "subscription.transfer.transactionDescription": "Zortrax InCloud add-on:", "subscription.transfer.transactionTitle": "Additional transfer", "subscriptions.adding-and-managing-devices": "Adding and managing devices", "subscriptions.additional-devices": "Additional devices", "subscriptions.additional-transfer": "Additional transfer", "subscriptions.bill-may-be-changed-in-your-local-currency": "The final bill may be converted to your local currency and include additional taxes depending on your country of residence.", "subscriptions.billed-annual": "Billed annually", "subscriptions.billed-monthly": "Billed monthly ", "subscriptions.community": "Community", "subscriptions.current-plan": "Current plan", "subscriptions.direct-bulk-print": "Multiprint", "subscriptions.downgrade": "Downgrade", "subscriptions.find-device": "Find device", "subscriptions.free": "free", "subscriptions.free-month": "1 month free", "subscriptions.free-until-the-end-2020": "Free until the end of 2020", "subscriptions.group-management": "Group management", "subscriptions.managing-files-located-on-pendrive": "Managing files located on a pendrive", "subscriptions.month": "month", "subscriptions.months": "months", "subscriptions.most-popular": "Most popular", "subscriptions.no-credit-card-required": "No credit card required", "subscriptions.no-limit": "No limit", "subscriptions.organizations": "Organizations", "subscriptions.per_GB": "+ {{price}} {{currency}} per GB", "subscriptions.per_device": "+ {{price}} {{currency}} per device", "subscriptions.print-history": "Print history", "subscriptions.print-without-pendrive": "Print without pendrive", "subscriptions.prints": "Prints", "subscriptions.send-commands-from-server-to-printer": "Send commands from the server to the printer", "subscriptions.share-device": " Share device", "subscriptions.shelves": "Shelves", "subscriptions.standard": "Standard", "subscriptions.start-now": "Start now", "subscriptions.statistics": "Statistics", "subscriptions.support": "Support", "subscriptions.upgrade": "Upgrade", "subscriptions.users-in-organization": "Users in organization", "subscriptions.view-device-details": "View device details", "subscriptions.week": "week", "subscriptions.weeks": "weeks", "tabs.invoices": "Invoices", "tabs.payment": "Cards", "tabs.subscriptions": "Subscriptions", "tooltips.add-more-devices": "Add more devices", "tooltips.add-more-transfer": "Add more transfer", "tooltips.add-more-users": "Add more organization members", "upload": "Upload", "validator.maxLength": "The field can't contain more than {{requiredLength}} characters.", "validator.minLength": "The field must contain at least {{requiredLength}} characters.", "app.error.notFound": "Not found", "app.error.badRequest": "Bad request", "license.type.basic": "License", "license.type.free": "Free license", "license.type.add_user": "Additional user", "license.incloud.free": "Free", "license.buy": "Buy license", "license.buy.title": "Buy license", "license.buy.description": "Purchasing the license allows you to use all the available functionalities of the program.", "license.buy.button": "Pay now", "license.buy.error": "An error occurred while buying license. Try later or contact administrator.", "license.cancel.success": "License successfully removed", "license.cancel.title": "Cancel the license", "license.cancel.description": "Are you sure you want to cancel the license?", "license.cancel.button": "Yes", "clinical.buy.no_device": "You don't have any Zortrax Inkspire 2 Clinical registered.", "mail.remove_members.subject": "Your license ended for additonal user", "mail.remove_members.body": "Your license ended for additonal user. We changed your oraganiation", "mail.remove_members.invitations": "Remove invitations", "mail.remove_members.members": "Remove organization members", "mail.renew_clinical_license_failed.subject": "Zortrax Clinical Suite license - Failed to charge your card", "mail.renew_clinical_license_failed.content": "

We have noticed that your recurring payment for the Zortrax Clinical Suite license has failed.

We'll try to charge your card again tomorrow. Please, secure funds on your card.

Remember that if you do not pay for the license, all accounts will lose access to the program.

", "mail.renew_clinical_license_failed_last.subject": "Zortrax Clinical Suite License Payment Failed", "mail.renew_clinical_license_failed_last.content": "

Unfortunately, your recurring payment for Zortrax Clinical Suite license has failed.

Remember that if you do not pay for the license, all accounts will lose access to the program.

Log into Zortrax ID and pay for the license.

", "mail.clinical_free_ending.subject": "Your Zortrax Clinical Suite is about to expire", "mail.clinical_free_ending.content": "

We would like to remind you that your free license for Zortrax Clinical Suite ends in 3 days.

Remember that if you do not pay for the license, all accounts will lose access to the program.

Log into Zortrax ID and pay for the license.

", "mail.clinical_free_ending.button": "Log into Zortrax ID", "license.add_user.transactionTitle": "Zortrax Clinical Suite Additional Member", "license.add_user.transactionDescription": "License:", "license.basic.transactionTitle": "Zortrax Clinical Suite License", "license.basic.transactionDescription": "License:" }